Saturday, January 29, 2011

Signs of Labor

Increase in BH contractions -------  check

Low back pain -------------- check

Loose stool --------------- check

Nesting ------------- check

Dilating -------------- check

Baby drops ------------- check

Ok, so I'm sitting here thinking that all these 'signs of labor' are literally being shoved in my face and I've decided that this baby isn't coming anytime soon and I'm just going to be miserable for the next 3 weeks!  I kept figuring that this is the 3rd for me so these things should happen right before labor begins (like hours, not weeks).

Oh well, I guess we are on her time table and so I just get to wait!

Well, the waiting part sucks a big fatty!

I have 21 days, 504 hours, left and I have a feeling that filling those days and hours are going to be rather hard.  This week we are kind of busy though so hopefully that will help. 

Sunday Fun Day:  Church and dinner in Turtle Lake, like usual
Monday:  Abby has Pre-school Playgroup
Tuesday: Daycare and OB appointment
Wednesday: Kate has pre-school assessment to see if she is progressing as she should.
Thursday: We have a meeting for Pre-school for Abby.  We will find out all the details about sending our oldest child to school. 
Friday:  NOTHING
Saturday: NOTHING

So hopefully that means that this week will go by a little faster than usual.  I keep saying that this little one is going to come at the most inopportune time.  I really want to go to the meeting for pre-school on Thursday so I will probably still be in the hospital.  i figure that we are supposed to have a snow storm Sunday night into Monday so that will be a good time to go into labor.  No one will be able to come and watch the girls and it will be a big panic attack. 

I keep saying that if I prepare too much for this child to come then she will just stay put in there and never come out.  So there isn't any extra protection on the bed in case my water breaks there (it did the last 2 times).  The car seat is not installed.  Kate still needs to be put into the 'big girl' bed.  Clothes aren't washed.  I don't have any socks for this child.  I don't have any fluffy blankets for her either.  Just flannel receiving blankets. 

I figure that whatever needs to be done can be done while we are still in the hospital.  It's slightly mean to leave these details for Jason to take care of while I recover but I don't think I care!  He will just be more appreciative when I get home from the hospital.

I told him that today would be the day that I go into labor because he was going snowmobiling and it would take him a few hours to get home from when I called him.  Well, nothing happen today other than I got loose stools.  TMI, yep but when you are pregnant you get to talk about gross things like mucus plugs, loose stool, leaking boobs, runny discharge, just to name a few.  But I'll stop talking about those. 

I'm just hoping that this little girl decides that she'd like to try things out here in the real world.  Kate was almost 2 weeks early, Abby was a week early so if you do the math this one should be 3 weeks early!  I think that is logical and should make perfect sense. 

Oh, well.  She'll be here eventually right?  Every morning when I wake up still pregnant I've decided she will be in there for-ever!

Foooooorrrrrrrrr ------- eeeeeevvvvvveeeeeerrrrrrrr.............

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