Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Only 9 more centimeters!

Yesterday I had my 36 week OB appointment.  Since Dr. Rohr is on vacation in Hawaii I had to see Dr. Smith.  She is another of the OB docs in Osceola and is great.  It was a successful appointment.  I found out that my Group B Strep test was negative.  Group B Strep is something that mom's can carry without being aware of it but it can be deadly to that baby during delivery.  If you test positive for it then you need to have antibiotics while in labor.  Not a big deal but annoy for mom. 

Secondly I got my Tubal paperwork signed so if I end up with a c-section they can perform the tubal at the same time.  So that is taken care of. 

Thirdly, Jason wants to go snowmobiling on Saturday and since he is going to be so far away I wanted Dr. Smith to check my cervix and see if there has been any change since last week.  When Dr. Rohr checked it was still closed up tight.  Well I've progressed to 1 cm!  Jason still gets to go snowmobiling but the good news is that my body has started the process...

According to my mom that means there are only 9 more centimeters left to go before baby is here!  It's not a matter of time anymore, just dilation!  I like the way she thinks!

Last week the exam hurt, it was really uncomfortable to say the least.  Well, after that I didn't have any cramps or contractions, which is very common after a cervical check.  This week the exam was painless and I haven't stopped contracting since.  It has been 24 hours and nothing I do will get them to stop.  They aren't super painful, just mildly painful.  They are different than my normal contractions though.  They make be think of pre-labor contractions.  The difference between these and my normal ones is that these wrap around from my back.  That usually means that they are real contractions and are actually doing something.  They aren't like transition contractions which are the most painful thing in the world but they are still painful. 

So with that news I've just been waiting for my water to break.  I'm hoping that it happens soon and that I get to meet this little one!  I'm only 36 weeks 4 days but if she were to come now they wouldn't stop labor.  But just in case I'm waiting until I know FOR SURE that this is labor before I go in. 

When I was in labor with Kate I had pre-labor contractions the day before that were just like this.  Then I went to bed and my water broke and she was born a few hours later! 

So here's hoping that this is it!  I'm keeping my fingers crossed but not going to cry if it all peters out either!

So wish me luck! 

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