Friday, January 21, 2011

29 days, I can do 29 days.... right????? Ummmm.......

I met with the cardiologist today and he was great.  He asked me a ton of questions and did and exam and everything.  The results of the holter monitor were in and apparently though my heart races it's healthy.  This is good news!  He sent me to get some blood work to make sure I'm not having thyroid issues or am anemic and I have an ultrasound on Tuesday just to double check my heart can handle labor but otherwise I'm apparently just sensitive to a racing heart. 

So the good news is that there is no damage being done to me or that baby, bad news is that I'm still pregnant!  My OB is out of town this next week so I meet with another doc to do my weekly check and I'll find out if my Group B Strep test is positive or negative.  I'm assuming that I wont know anything about being able to induce early until the following week.  I'm thinking that the sub doc will not want to schedule an induction since she's not my normal doc.  So I have to wait 10 more days to talk to my doc. 

Because I'm pregnant I can't increase my meds because they will lower my blood pressure and then the baby wont get the nutrients and oxygen that it needs.  So I literally get to suffer until delivery.  That is why I will be talking to my doc about inducing early.  I can't handle the racing heart everyday for the next month!  It sucks!

So anyway, I figure I have at most 29 days left until this baby is born according to my due date.  Abby was a week early and Kate was 9 days early so if I average them out to 8 days then I hopefully only have 21 days left.  Not that long when you think about it but it seems like FOREVER!!!  So in 10 days I will talk to my doc about inducing and see where we are at!

I want to say that I am married to the most amazing man in the world.  He truly loves me and worries about my health more than I do.  We make beautiful, amazing, adorable children.  He supports us, and is responsible.  He takes out the garbage every week, shovels all the snow, mows the grass and everything else that needs to be taken care of.  He has done all of the vacuuming since I can no longer move like that.  He knows what I have to go through to carry our children to term and is seriously concerned when anything starts to go differently.  He just amazes me some days and I figured you all need to know that there are good guys out there, sometimes you just have to dig for them!

I think I'm going to go make a paper chain to count down the days... nope, not going to do that either.  Going to sit on my ass here on the couch and watch TV and surf the web.  Babycenter group boards are kind of boring today so I'll find something to occupy day #29...

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