Monday, January 24, 2011

Oh man....

Well today is the big day that I can no longer say that I'm in my 20's.  I've officially hit 30.  While there wasn't any big trumpets or fireworks or anything going off today it was still a big deal to wake up and realize that I'm no longer in my 20's.  I remember turning 20.  Life was so much easier back then.  It was exciting to leave your teens behind and become and 'adult'.  How foolish were we to think that a number means that we are all grown up?  I mean really?  You go from being a 19 year old loser to a wise 20 year old overnight?  What a load of crap!  I think once I turned about 23 I realized that I really didn't know anything about life and that my mom was the best source of information ever!  Now that I'm 30 I've realized that I still don't know crap about life but it's time to make something of myself.  I spent my 20's getting married, getting divorced, getting remarried, having 3 kids (well almost finished on the third), graduating from college and overall just learning that I have a lot left to learn!

My kids are 2 and 4 and I've learned that as long as they have a house, clothes, food and love they will be taken care of.  There are days where I have no idea what I'm doing and days where I feel like I've got it all figured out.  There is very little middle ground there.  Some days I feel like all I've done is yell and scream because no matter what I say they do not listen.  Then the next day they will play quietly with their toys, without fighting, and take naps when supposed to.  How does this change anything? 

I've learned that I have a parenting style that leaves my kids with the opportunity to make decisions and learn from them all the while keeping them safe and healthy.  Are there days were meals don't really happen and it feels like we live off crackers, dry cereal and granola bars?  Yep.  Then there are days when I make scrambled eggs from breakfast, sandwiches for lunch and pot roast for dinner. 
It's all about balance. 

If you don't try to balance out the good and the bad you will never be happy. 

My motto for life is: 

Anything in the extreme is bad.

This means that if ALL your kids eat is crackers and apple juice they are going to have growth problems.  Now if you balance out snack of crackers and apple juice with milk and protein for meals then you are fine.  If all you do is work and don't spend time with your family because you feel that you are better serving your family by bring home a good paycheck you are only partly right.  If your kids never see you then you are out of balance.  Any drug addict cannot find balance.  Their life is totally focused on finding drugs, where the next high is coming from.  There is no balance in that life style. 

So my life lesson for the day...


On my other note I have the BEST family in the world!  My mom and hubby spoiled me for my birthday.  I've been craving Mexican food for weeks now and so we went to Tortilla's Mexican Restaurant in Lindstrom, MN for dinner on Saturday night.  The food was good!  While we were there I got to open my birthday present from Mom first, so I pull out of the gift bag a plug in for a NOOKcolor... 

Wait, why would I need a plug in for a NOOKcolor unless inside that bag was a NOOKcolor...

Low and Behold...  there is it!  The epitome of my dreaming for the last 6 months.  I've been dreaming (literally dreaming) of a NOOKcolor for months and here it is... in my now aged hands!  I practically squealed in a restaurant full of people.  I was so excited!!! 

Next I got to open the card from Jason and here is $100 for accessories and books!  Now I get to pick out a case for my NOOKcolor.  What a challenge that is.  I'm literally thinking of driving an hour to go to the nearest Barnes and Noble to touch the cases.  I can't seem to make up my mind looking at them online.  Who would have thought that picking out a case would be so hard!

So I get home and plug it in and it turns on!  I get it registered and signed on to my wifi and I get to start playing!  This thing is so incredibly fun!!!  Reading books on it is great.  There are games like chess, crossword and sudoku.  I can search the web, go on facebook and babycenter and be totally free to do whatever I want to on it. 

I'm literally in seventh heaven with my NOOKcolor!  It is the BEST birthday present I've ever gotten and I will cherish it for a long time to come!

So now that I have my NOOKcolor I'm hoping that the next 26 days will fly by and the next big thing in my life will happen.  I'm very anxious to meet this little girl and cannot wait for the big event to happen.  So keep me in your thoughts and prayers!  I can use any help you can give to get this baby out of me!!!

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