Friday, January 28, 2011

Okie Dokie

I've had a great couple of days.  Yesterday I woke up with energy for the first time in weeks!  I wanted to go to Barnes and Noble to find a case for my NOOKcolor.  I got a hold of my mom and she needed to take my brothers laptop to Best Buy.  So off we go!  We had a great kid helping us at Best Buy who arranged to have Jeremy's laptop shipped to a Best Buy in Florida!  Very helpful, and that is not usually what happens at Best Buy! 

So then we went to Barnes and Noble.  I found a really cute pink leather case for my NOOKcolor and found a baby book for the new baby.  Got home, made dinner and had a good evening with my family. 

This was way different than the couple of days before.  I had an OB appointment on Tuesday and had a cervical check.  So while cramps are normal after a cervical check, these lasted for over 18 hours and were painful but never turned into anything as I'm still pregnant.

Last night we are going to bed and Jason goes to turn the monitor off and the window sill that it sits on has got water all over it.  Having no idea why it's wet we go to bed and figure we'll check it out tomorrow.  I wake up and while checking my email...  yes, my email... I have one from Jason.  It says that the reason the window sill is wet is because we have an ice dam that has gotten so bad it is leaking through the window inside.  Oh, by the way, can you call your dad and see if he will send a crew to steam it for free? 

For those of you that know how my relationship is with my dad this wasn't going to happen.  I have a really hard time asking anyone for help and the number one person that I cannot ask for help from is my dad.  He wasn't around growing up and so it's hard to ask him for anything. 

So I call Jason and after talking for a few minutes I tell him that I'm calling Jeremy, my brother, and asking him for advice.  Is there anything that we can do DIY so that I don't have a $1000 steaming bill?  After talking to Jeremy he tells me to salt the piss out of it.  Yep, the piss out of it!  Go buy the cheapest water softener salt and just dump it on and watch it melt the ice away!  Then after this is done, fill an old nylon with salt and lay it on the roof and it will help keep ice dams from starting. 

Well, last night I made Jason promise to sweep and mop the kitchen floor.  I feel this need to get the house clean and the kitchen floor is where I need to start.  With my SI joint separating sweeping and vacuuming cause me a ton of pain so Jason has had to pick up the slack for me.  Well, now he has to spend his evening up on the roof fixing our ice dam problem.  Well that doesn't fix the fact that to me I NEED the kitchen floor cleaned.

Well, welcome energy.  I decide that the pain from my SI joint is less important than cleaning my house.  So I pick up, sweep and mop the kitchen floor.  You'd think that I would feel accomplished.  Well, sitting on the couch taking a break I realize that I now need to clean the living room too.  So we finish watching 'Bringing Baby Home' on TLC and down to the floor I go.  I cannot bend over anymore so for me to clean the toys up I literally crawl on the floor throwing them into the toy bins.  I got all of that done and decide that now I need to vacuum.  Once that is all done I can now walk through half of my house (the parts we live in the most) and they are CLEAN!!! 

NOW we can bring the baby home...  wait what was that?  Bring the baby home... ah, crap.  I'm nesting.  I've got the insatiable urge to clean and do laundry.  If I could reach the bottom of the washer the laundry would be done too! 

They say that nesting can occur right before you go into labor.  Well, I can assure you that vacuuming causes contractions.  I don't know if they will actually put me into labor but it's worth a try!  At least you get a clean floor out of it! 

Tomorrow I'm 37 weeks and according to the the medical world that is full term and the baby can come any time now and they wont stop labor! 

So wish me labor pains!!!

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