Tuesday, November 2, 2010


I'm sure that there are 100 million posts out there about Halloween and how cute everyones kids were.  I'll just say that my kids are cute all the time, not just on Halloween, LOL.  Abby was a princess fairy and Kate was a lady bug.  Both were adorable but nothing crazy unique with their costumes.  We trick or treated for a while and then I had to come home as my belly hurt so bad I literally couldn't stand up straight.  Jason and Abby did one more street then came home.  It was fun and I''m sure that next year will be even better.

What really annoyed me is that there are so many people (parents really) who don't understand the rules of trick or treating.  #1 rule, if there aren't any lights on the porch lit up then that home isn't giving out candy.  So this means that even though someone is watching TV in their lazy boy if the porch light is out then they don't have any candy to hand out.  Move on to the next house please. 

#2 rule:  Kids, don't stick your hands in the candy bowl unless the homeowner tells you that you can pick out what you would like. 

#3 rule: if the homeowner tells you that you can pick out what you like then you can only take a max of 2 pieces of candy, not a handful.

and lastly #4 rule:  SAY THANK YOU AT EVERY HOUSE!!!  These homeowners have gone out and spent their hard earned money so that you can come up, knock on their door, say "Trick or Treat" and get candy for FREE!  The least you can do is have good manners and say thank you. 

These are the four main rules for trick or treating.  This is something that people do to be nice to your kids.  Take the time to at least not bother those that choose not to participate and say thank you to those that do. 

One last thing for the parents, don't take your kids out trick or treating when you are drunk.  It is inappropriate and you stink when we walk by you.  Everyone knows you are drunk, wait until the kids get to bed, then get your drink on.

That's enough on that subject.  Thank goodness this is my last pregnancy.  I'm very opinionated with this one.  I can't seem to get off my 'soap box' as it were.  Stupid people drive me crazy and my poor husband has to listen to me rant and rave about each and every one of the topics that set me off.  Just in the last week I know that I have gone off about breast feeding, elective c-sections, Halloween, getting your kids immunized and a few others that I can't even remember.  I wont go into my opinions about these topics.  At least not in this posting!

I think I'll leave you with these thoughts.  What are your opinions that set you off?  Do you think that too many mom's give up to early on breast feeding?  Do you think mom's should be able to schedule the birthday of their baby just to get out of going through labor?  Did you get all the recommended immunizations for your kids?  I don't pretend to be an expert but I have my opinions just like you do!

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