Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Crafting and Babies

I have a problem.  I start projects then have a hard time finishing them.  I started a quilt, got all the squares sewn together and so now all I have left to do is the batting and the border and backing.  Do you think I can get the energy to go finish it?  I also have a blanket that I'm making for a friends new baby.  I've crocheted it and it's almost done.  I have a few blocks left to crochet and then piece the last few blocks together but I don't want to work on it.  I wonder why?  It seems like this is a problem that I should be able to find a cure for.  I try to tell myself that I can't start a new project until the current one is finished but then I never seem to listen to myself and next thing I know I've got two projects started and neither of them are finished. 

Jason says that this is my MO and that I have all sorts of projects started and as soon as I get the slightest bit bored with them I stop working on them and move on to something else.  You would think that after it took me 7 years to finish school and I never stopped working towards that goal that I would be able to finish a simple craft project, but nope.  Seems to be beyond my personal skill set.  I will finish these projects as they are gifts and so they need to be finished but it will be grudgingly finished without all the gumption from the beginning of the project.

In other news my girls are actually behaving themselves today.  I haven't had to yell at them recently for anything to major. Just had to tell Abby to stop bugging her sister once.  That's is so far and it's almost nap time!

Lastly can you believe that it's November?  It seems like it should still be summer but now Thanksgiving is just around the corner (literally it's only 3 weeks from tomorrow)  When I told people that our due date for this baby was Feb 21st, 2011 some of them were like, "You are so lucky!  You have the whole holiday season to help those last few months go by fast!"  Well I'm currently 24 weeks 2 days preggos and I realize that I have only 16 weeks left, and then I realize that I haven't made it to a due date yet so in all reality I hopefully only have 14-15 weeks left.  That is great news!!!  That is 3 1/2 months left.  And in 3 weeks (which will get me into the third trimester) is Thanksgiving, then 4 more weeks is Christmas, then a week later is New Years Eve, then 3 weeks after that is my 30th birthday, then I'm only 3 weeks out from my due date.  So within a few weeks of each other there is something going on to break up this long stretch of feeling fat and uncomfortable. 

Oh, lets talk about the season of babies for my group of friends: 

Melissa  due in November but already had her baby boy.
Heather  due middle of December (girl)
Katie  due end of December (girl)
Angel  due January (girl)
Sara  due January (???)
Myself due February  (girl)
Katie P. due March  (???)

We are going to have babies coming out our our 'ears' for months.  Heather and Angel are my step mom's kids and so there are going to be 3 newborn grand babies within 3 months!  My Dad is one lucky guy!

I guess we all got what we wanted for Christmas this year!  Here's hoping everyone has healthy, happy, sleepy little babies!  And that their deliveries are uncomplicated and only minimally painful!

1 comment:

  1. I'm actually the last of my friends to be popping out a baby, so luckily we won't have to be running around buying stuff for everyone when we're also trying to get ready for our own. I'm the same way about crafts, too. I have two or three half-finished scarves laying around, a blanket, and some kind of quilted purse I had no business trying to make.
