Friday, November 5, 2010

Christmas Shopping and Baby Names

Hopefully you aren't on my Christmas list because I'm talking about what everyone is getting for Christmas!  Here's your advance notice to quit reading.  Just kidding.  But really, what do you get for your nephews that costs less than $25 that they will actually enjoy?  I would think that most toys are probably going to be fine but what do you pick out?  Remote control cars are too expensive.  Movies are boring.  Clothes....   so not exciting.  I thought about a nerf dart gun but then they will just get in trouble when they shoot each other.  Marshmallow shooter?  These sound like fun presents but I don't want to have to yell at them when there are marshmallows all over the house.  Video games are too expensive and gift cards for video games are boring.  I'm sure they are fun once they get the game they want but really, how boring to open a little plastic card on Christmas morning.  So starts the holiday thinking game.  I have less than 2 months to figure out what to buy these crazy, wild boys.  Crunch time!

For Abby and Kate, who knows.  The only thing that I have for sure is an art box (filled with markers, stickers, projects) for Abby.  And for Kate a baby highchair.  That's it.  Pretty lean Christmas when you look at what will be under the tree this year!  We have baby strollers that get played with every single day so I can't buy those.  I'm thinking about more baby doll gear...  hmmm..... maybe a whole nursery set?  Any ideas floating out there are appreciated!!!

Last topic for the day.  Naming this unborn little girl.  For those that don't know this baby will be a little girl, supposedly there's labia on the ultrasound instead of a penis...  Currently almost 25 of my 40 weeks are done and we have no idea of a name for this little girl.  With Abby we had names picked out almost 3 months in advance.  With Kate she was born on a Sunday morning and the previous Wednesday we had picked out names.  I keep thinking that this precious little girl is going to be born and will live her life as Baby Tempel until I can get my head on straight and come up with a name.  I say 'me' because all my wonderful husband does is veto names that I spout out to him.  He doesn't come up with any suggestions, just puts down what I come up with.  Granted I'm too liberal with my name suggestions most of the time but I try to get a rise out of him just to see if he's paying attention.  I would like everyone to offer up names that they think go well with middle name Marie and last name Tempel...  don't be offended if I don't name my baby what you suggest as the chances of me liking the name are pretty slim but it might be the inspiration that I need to come up with the perfect name!



  1. Elizabeth or Ella sound cute although Ella is really popular right now. Samantha is cute too. Kayla. Hmmmm, that's all I've got for now!

  2. We've got the lean Christmas budget, too, with two nieces and two nephews. One is 4 years old and we bought his some Widgets off of Check them out, they're awesome. The older one we bought some Tech Deck stuff for. We didn't spend over $20 on either. As for names...hmmm...I had mine picked out when I was 12, so we've had lots of time to plan. I agree that Ella sounds really good with the MN and LN. OH, what about Stella? Stella Marie? Something along those lines?
