Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Push Present?

Yesterday I had my glucose test for this pregnancy and I PASSED!!!  For those of you that don't know around 26 weeks through your pregnancy you have to get tested for gestational diabetes.  You have to drink about 12 ounces of this super sugary drink.  My hospital has the orange flavor.  Basically it tastes like syrupy flat orange soda.  You have to drink it fast and then in 1 hour they take your blood to see how well you are processing the sugar.  The part that really sucks is that you have to be fasting in order to take the test.  Well, schedule it in the morning, wake up, skip breakfast, drink glucose drink, wait an hour, get poked by a needle, then go home and pray that you passed.  If you fail there is a 3 hour version of the test that basically is the same thing except you drink more while fasting and then they draw your blood every hour for 3 hours.  If you fail this one too then you have gestational diabetes and you need to follow a very specific diet.  It's dangerous for the baby and yourself.  So anyway I've never been diagnosed with GD but you always get to take the test and wait.  My nurse called me at 8:00am today to tell me that I passed and that I'm not anemic.  YAY!!  So now I can still eat the sugar and carbs that I crave so much with this pregnancy.

When I was in for my appointment yesterday she also changed my due date from 2/23 to 2/19.  4 days sooner!!!  Oh, yeah!  This is how my brain works... be prepared it's twisted... 

OK, 26 weeks of 40 done.
Abby and Kate were both born prior to their due date.  Abby 7 days and Kate 9 days
40 minus 26 equals 14 weeks left.
HOWEVER, since I don't make it to my due date my brain is telling me that I really only have 12-13 weeks left.
There is NO guarantee that this baby will come before her due date but if we follow my history then it will be here before 2/19.

My nurse was joking with me that we'll have a Valentine's Day baby.  I told her that would suck!!!  Even if she comes within a few days she will always be screwed by her Significant Other for Valentine's Day presents.  She will always get flowers, jewelry or candy.  It will always be wrapped in fake red velvet and be surrounded by cupids.  How sucky for her!  Jason thinks he will get out of giving me a present as we'll be either preparing or bring home the new baby.  I told him it was the opposite.  He has to get me a combination present:  Part of it is for Valentine's Day and the major part is for pushing out his baby. 

Speaking of which.  I think that men should buy their women Push Presents.  This is my theory, warning another look into my twisted brain...

*So man + woman have sex.
*Man deposits seed.
*Woman gets pregnant.
*Woman then carries baby for 40 weeks to full term.  (if you've been pregnant before then you understand how big of a deal this really is.  For most women it sucks at least a little bit.  Worth the price to bring the baby into the world but really why is it only the woman's responsibility?)
*Woman goes through pushing a baby out of her vagina.  Not a pleasant event.  Very painful trying to push a football size baby out of your vagina.  Imagine a Lime coming out of you penis and the only way it gets out is by pushing it with your own muscles.
*Woman now gets to learn how to breastfeed
*Woman now gets to recover from the birth of the precious bundle of joy
*Baby doesn't sleep through the night for at least 3 months and because Woman is breastfeeding, Man gets to sleep through the night while woman does not.

When you lay it out like this do you not agree that women should be getting a present for doing all this work?  Men say that the baby should be present enough.  Well, in theory it is but us women who have gone through it (even more than once) should get some sort of gift from the man that says "Honey, I really appreciate all the work that you did after I deposited my seed, so that we could have this amazing little person."  Here is a diamond necklace, or ruby ring, or trip to the spa.  You get the idea. 

I'm sure I will get nothing.  I got flowers with the first and nothing with the second.  I would like something but I'm not going to hold my breath. It makes the contractions more painful.  LOL

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