Friday, November 19, 2010

Book Club Tonight

So for the first time I joined a book club.  Candice invited me and while I know no one else besides her I am looking forward to going.  I plan to get a pumpkin spice latte, a snack and sit and chat with a few other women about the book, The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo.  Which if you haven't read it is actually a pretty good book.  It can be a bit slow to start but the author really lays the ground work for the characters so that you really feel like you know them by the time the good stuff starts happening.  You don't even hear about the girl with the dragon tattoo for awhile in the book so I was confused!  But really it's good.

I'm interested to see how tonight is going to go.  Are these women the note taking, super serious type or is this really just an excuse to get together sans children and men?  I'm hoping it's a mixture of both.  That we actually talk about the book and that we also just chat away.  I told Jason that I have no idea what time I will be home and he is good with that.  He realizes that I need to get away and not have my children talking and touching me for a couple of hours. 

Deer hunting opener is tomorrow.  For those of you that don't know my in-laws.  Jason has 2 sisters and a brother.  Sisters are married, Jackie to Lane the taxidermist.  JoAnn to Brent, a welder.  My Father-in-law is an avid hunter.  My mother in law used to back in the day.  Jackie and Lane have 2 kids, Tasha (14) and Travis (10), both of which hunt.  Cody and Riley are literally too young to hunt so they will join the group when they are older.  I am the ONLY person on that entire side of the family that doesn't enjoy killing things!  I don't have any desire to go clomping through the woods, rifle in hand, waiting to shoot and kill something.  I grew up in the big city of Taylors Falls and we saved animals that were injured or lost.  Never has an animal perished in my household.  We didn't have guns, or knives or anything deadly in my house growing up.  My grandpa hunted before I was born,  My uncles hunt but really there was very little killing in my family.  Switch scene to the Tempel's, they shoot almost everything there is a season for.  It's really a culture shock for me to listen to them be so excited for deer hunting.  It is unspoken that Jason will leave his family to go to Turtle Lake to hunt with them.  He will be back at some ungodly hour on Sunday after they have cut up whatever was shot over the weekend.  Because of the warm temps lately all the butchering needs to be done right away so he gets to do that too. 

This is the part that I don't understand, every year they are super excited to go hunting, then opening day comes and goes, the next day comes and goes and by the 3rd day they are all crabby.  They are tired from walking in the woods for hours on end, getting up early to get to the stand before sun up, and then cleaning and hauling a deer if they are lucky enough to get one opening weekend.  If by chance they are one of the unlucky ones then they simply are bitching for the rest of the season.  Thanksgiving is next week and dinner should be around 1:00-ish and everyone is out in the woods until the last minute trying to kill a deer.  Then they come in, eat, and rest for a little bit and then go back out in the afternoon before the sun sets.  It is a culture that I simply don't understand and so every year I tell Jason to have a good time, enjoy his weekend and when he gets home on Sunday to go to bed early so he's ready for work on Monday. 

I'm totally looking forward to Thanksgiving!  I get to be pregnant which pretty much gives me carte blanc to eat whatever is in site for the entire day.  We have Turtle Lake early and then Greene's later on.  I am planning to take full dose of my Raglan so that I can eat and not be super duper sick to my stomach all day.  I might be a bit sleepy with the turkey and drugs but my will to keep eating will keep me awake!  The last few years I've made a Luscious 4-Layer Pumpkin Cake that is to die for.  It's 4 layers of cake that are separated with this pumpkin whipped cream then topped with caramel and nuts.  It is sooooo good and different from pumpkin pie.  Here's the problem though.  It's amazing so I want to eat a piece, but I also want a piece of pumpkin pie, chocolate pie and whatever else is being served for dessert.  It's just not possible to eat that much and not explode.  So how do I get all my cravings without blowing up?  Not sure on that one yet.  I'm thinking doggy bags but that might seem a bit selfish.  I could feed one of each to my kids and then steal off of their plates???  Hmmmmm.........  not a bad idea!!!

Well in case I don't post again before the holiday.  I hope that you all enjoy your Thanksgiving to the fullest (ha!) and remember what you are truly thankful for!!!


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