Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Grocery Shopping is a vacation?

So I haven't blogged for awhile.  I have been just trying to keep my eyes open.  I forgot how exhausting it is to be up with a newborn at night.  The longest stretch of sleep that I have gotten since she was born is almost 6 hours.  Normally though it is between 2-3 hours.  I may be weird though.  I really actually like the alone time that I get with Alex.  The house is silent and we are simply cuddling while she nurses.  Some nights I can't keep my eyes open and we just cuddle while I hope that I don't drop her on the floor! 

Abby and Kate go to daycare on Tuesday and Thursday's at 10:30.  This gives me a few hours alone.  On Tuesday's I go grocery shopping.  This is my big expedition for the week.  I get to walk around Walmart by myself (Alex joins me now) for around an hour.  I get to look at all the same merchandise that is there every week but it is like a small vacation!  I look forward to it every week.  Sad?  Yes.  Do I accept it?  Yes.

I've been working on getting the rest of my maternity leave figured out and after a few conversations with the HR department I've got most of it figured out.  I had an audit done on my vacation time and sick time and apparently I have about 21 hours more than I thought I did.  Now I have to figure out how to use it before I loose it in April.  Apparently I have a few more conversations in my future.

I'm kind of nervous because I've been a designer with the Depot for years and they of course hired somebody to replace me while I was gone.  Well, that doesn't leave much opportunity for me to be a designer again.  So what does that leave for me?  I have no idea but hopefully it will all work out.  All that really matters is that I have a job and will continue to get a paycheck!

I'm going to try to keep up on my blogging.  No more excuses.  Sleep deprived or not, I WILL BLOG!!!

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