Monday, February 21, 2011

School Cancelled...

So Jason went back to work today.  I woke up for the first time alone with my 3 children.  I was a little nervous about this but in reality it was ok this morning.  Basically the same as every other day, only this time Alex was here. 

Last night I sat and watched the news hoping that school was cancelled.  Today was Abby's last day of Preschool Playgroup and it started at 9:15.  Well, I had my alarm set for 6:30 to get up and start getting ready to leave and get Abby to school by 9:15.  I figured with the snow and having 3 kids it wasn't going to take me a few extra minutes to get out the door by myself with them.  So I finally go to bed a little after 10 and as of going to bed school was still on.  10 minutes later Jason comes up stairs and tells me that school is cancelled.  While I realize that Abby is going to be very sad, they were going outside to play today you see, I was very happy.  I reached over and turned off my alarm.  Best news I'd heard in a long time!  So I go to bed a happy woman.

It wouldn't be so bad but here's the routine for taking Abby to school.  I get everyone dressed in winter gear, load them into the van, drive a half a mile to school, park, unload all children, walk Abby to her classroom, take off all Abby's winter gear, sign her in, turn around and walk back to the van, load remaining children up, drive a half a mile back home, unload remaining children, take of remaining childrens winter gear.  This is done at 9:15, well playgroup only lasts until 10:45 so by 10:30 less than an hour after I got home I start the process all over again only in reverse.  Dropping Abby off at school is a hassle.  No way around it.  The teachers don't help out in the way of collecting kids at the door or walking them out when class is over.  Nope they stay inside where it's nice an warm and make the parents haul their entire family all around the country.  Now don't take this as being ungrateful to our teachers.  The playgroup is free and a wonderful thing for Abby to take part in.  I just wish the dropping off and picking up were easier!

Well, school is over until this fall so I guess I don't have to worry about it for a while.

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