Monday, February 14, 2011

Chunky Monkey turning into a Banana?

So we've been home for a few days now and everything is starting to relax a bit.  The girls are getting used to Alex and Alex is getting used to everything.  Thank goodness Jason is home from work until at least Wednesday and maybe through next week.  It will depend on how I'm doing and if I want him home or not.  I love the fact that he will take a few extra days off from work if I want him home with us.  I love this man!  He has to put up with everything that I put him through and now on top of it all he is surrounded by 3 little girls. 

When we left the hospital on Friday Alex was a little bit jaundice.  Well Saturday was ok, Sunday morning however she was so yellow the whites of her eyes were the color of urine.  So we took her into Urgent Care and they checked her bilirubin levels and she was ok so far.  The doc told me to have it checked again on Monday to make sure that the levels weren't going up and she would need light treatment.  So I took her back in today and we are waiting on the results of this blood test.  Dr. Rohr thinks she will be fine but we are waiting on the blood test to be sure.  I've been teasing her that she is trying to go from our Chunky Monkey to our Banana.  Oh well.  We'll see what happens today but hopefully she will be fine.

Sleeping has gotten better.  I can at least put her into her crib and she will sleep there!  I actually got a few hours of sleep last night.  Still tired today but so far so good.  I just have to try to go to bed earlier and sleep when she sleeps. 

We took her on her first outing yesterday to the Farm.  My mom made us dinner and so we went and visited and was again reminded how awesome my mom is.  She got the girls Valentine's Day presents, which they loved, and made us dinner and everything!  On Saturday she took Abby for a few hours and brought us Tator Tot Hotdish for dinner too.  So since I've been home I  haven't had to worry about dinner yet!  Again she is amazing!

Well, having 3 children is amazing.  Abby and Kate want to help out and they are totally obsessed with breastfeeding.  They think that it is super funny that Alex eats from my boob.  Well, if they didn't have to tell everyone about it it wouldn't be so bad but I'm pretty sure that Grandpa doesn't want to hear about me and my boobs.  Slightly uncomfortable. 

Well, Alex is sleeping right now so I should be trying to take a nap but here I am putzing on the Internet.  I guess social networking has ruined yet another opportunity for sleep.

Until another day...

1 comment:

  1. I love it. Stop blogging and sleep you silly person!
