Monday, February 7, 2011

Still Pregnant...

So I'm sure you all are getting fed up with my constant pregnancy posts but I don't care.  When you are this uncomfortable and sick feeling you will be obsessed with going into labor too.  Since this is the 3rd time I know that it is going to be extremely painful but worth it in the end.  Over the last 9+ months I have literally created life.  I'm anxious to meet this little one.  I want to see her and look into her eyes.  I want to hold her hand and nurse her and change her and just plain touch her. 

OK, while that is really the most important thing, meeting this little one, really I just want my body back.  I'm so sick for the entire 9 months that I want to be all by myself in my body.  I want to shower alone, I want to poop alone.  I am ready to have a swollen who ha, sore nipples, lack of sleep and all of that. 

In the last few days I have lost my mucus plug, had consistent contractions for 2 days now.  Like every 10 minutes or so since Saturday.  Then on Sunday I made homemade chicken and cheese enchiladas (one of my favorites) to eat while watching the big Superbowl game.  I start to eat and started to get sick.  I sat on the couch and was so sick to my stomach that I was literally curled into a ball and trying to breathe through it.  So finally about 2 hours later I was finally able to go to the bathroom and felt a little better after that.  I was sick throughout the night with cramps and pain in my back, all the while having contractions.  I'm thinking that this is it.  I was just waiting for my water to break.  Well I went to bed and fell asleep right away.  I NEVER fall asleep right away. 

I woke up this morning still pregnant.  Not in labor yet.  So I get up and get Abby ready for school, drop her off and go to breakfast with my Mom.  Well, that makes me sick too.  I come home after picking up Abby and lay on the couch.  I literally cannot keep my eyes open and take a nap while she watches cartoons.  My mom, the saint that she is took Kate for the morning to hang out with her.  So I napped for about and hour and a half before Mom brings Kate back.  She then proceeded the change her diaper, make the girls lunch and put Kate down for her nap.  All while I lay on the couch trying to stay warm.  They say that you can get flu like symptoms before you go into labor. 

Well, hopefully my body realizes that it has given me pretty much every single symptom of going in to labor without actually going into labor.  Literally I've had every single old wives tale and yet, here I sit still pregnant.  I am officially miserable and am ready to get this baby out.  I mean like OUT NOW!  I'm almost willing to do anything to get her out. 

There is one thing that I don't think that I can do but might work.  Castor Oil.  It is a laxative that causes you to have contractions because of the explosive pooping.  Well, it's an oil and the taste is awful.  I don't do well with things that taste so bad.  I don't think that I can drink it.  It's the only thing that I can't seem to do. 

I think that I am going to concentrate on staying hydrated so that when I do go into labor it will go a little bit easier.  I know that I'm complaining and someday I may wish to be pregnant again.  But then my wonderful husband will smack me around a bit and make sure that I remember that it sucks for me!  I'm hoping that I can end this part of my life soon.  I really want to meet this little girl.  I really want to have my body back and tomorrow at my ob appointment I will be asking about how we can make that happen. 

Can we induce?  Please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please?????????

Anything to end this misery!!!

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