Thursday, February 17, 2011

Still a banana!

Well,  we had our one week check up and Alex is doing great.  Aside from being the color of a ripe banana she is fine.  Growing well and eating well and sleeping well.  I'm a very very very very very very very very lucky momma.  My children have all slept really well from the time they are born.  Sometime I wonder if it's the universes way of being nice to me after the horrible pregnancy.  I go through 9 months of hell to have a beautiful, healthy, well behaved newborn. 

Here's a theory, pray for a difficult pregnancy because then you will have easy children.  Have an easy pregnancy and you will have difficult children?  I like it.  It makes me feel better for all the women who have great and easy pregnancies.  I hate all those women by the way.  They are the bane of my existence when the worse thing the experience is trouble getting comfortable.  Well, guess what, you have a BABY in your uterus and so you are supposed to be uncomfortable.  It isn't easy being pregnant and so you should have a little discomfort.  Ok, well maybe not for everyone but really you are creating life.  Why is it easy for some women and so hard for others? 

I'm very thankful and feel extremely blessed that I can even have children.  There are plenty of women out there that cannot have children and I thank my lucky stars every day that I'm not one of them.

I've realized that getting my tubes tied will make it impossible for me to get pregnant and that makes me a little sad because man oh man do I love having a newborn.  They are my favorite stage of life so far.  They are just so cuddly and warm and perfect.  So getting my tubes tied in a few months makes me very sad but I can't go through another pregnancy.  We don't want anymore children and this will make sure that it doesn't happen.  Sad but required and I have a few months to come to terms with that so I'll deal.  Don't worry.

I feel cheated though that I get to sit home on my ass, sicker than a dog for months while pregnant and then when the baby comes out I get a measly 6 weeks to recover and enjoy what it took so much to make before having to return to work.  While I look forward to getting back to regular life I also wish that I had more time to stay at home and enjoy my baby.  I've been out of work on modified bed rest since August 5th, 2010 and then when she is born on Feb. 9th, 2011 and I will be back to work around March 23rd, 2011.  It just seems so unfair!  I guess I will get over it, like everything else in life but it still sucks!

Well, Alex is sleeping and the girls are at daycare so I should probably go make some lunch and take a nap.

Talk to you soon!

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