Sunday, February 20, 2011

Well, Vacation is OVER!

So today is the last day that Jason is home.  He goes back to work tomorrow.  Meaning I will be home all by myself with the girls tomorrow.  Of course, Abby has school from 9:15 - 10:45 and Alex has a doctor appointment at 1:00. So I get to haul all three of them around half of the day tomorrow.  Oh, well.  I guess it will be fine. 

Currently Jason is holding Alex so I can have some 'free' time.  I figured I would do some social networking and get caught up on the outside world. 

Last night Alex slept from 9:00pm - 2:30am (5 1/2 hours) and then from 3:00am to 7:30am (4 1/2 hours).  Yes, she is 11 days old and we only got up once to feed during the night.  I have been blessed with good sleepers with Abby and Kate.  I'm hoping that I get to be that lucky with Alex. 

I don't have too much else to say and Alex is fussing, which means that she is hungry when Jason is holding her!  He just shushes her and waits for me to finish what I'm doing and take her back.  He'll be alone with her soon enough!

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