Tuesday, March 8, 2011

What to do...

I've got a To Do list about a mile long today.  It seems like as I get one thing done another one gets added.  We are having Alex baptised on Sunday so I need to clean my whole house (it's been a long time since it's been really cleaned)  I also need to go grocery shopping for the party, get groceries for us to eat until the party, sew Alex's 'fuzzy' blanket, sew a sling, buy baptism outfits for the girls, get shoes for baptism outfits, and the list goes on. 

I'm also having good friends, Candice and Brian over for dinner tomorrow night.  Thank the Lord that I'm just making a lasagna that I have in the freezer, don't worry it's still homemade, just not made tomorrow.  So between lasagna, garlic bread and salad we should be good to go and I don't have to do very much at all.  Thank goodness for pre-planning!  I love when something is as easy as putting it in the oven!  Set and forget!

Alex has a cold.  She is all snotty and coughing and doesn't feel very well at all.  I feel so bad for her.  She sounds awful and there isn't a thing that I can do for her!  I'm hoping that in a day or two she will be back to her normal self.  If not we'll be back to the doctor again!  I think my doctor jinxed us when she said she was sad that she wont get to see her again until her 2 month check up.  Now we will have to go in and visit just to keep healthy!

Abby has decided to get lippy...  not sure when she decided this but she is now talking back to us.  She was in trouble the other day and when I put her in a time out she informed me that I wasn't nice and needed to take a time out too.  Then the next day Jason yelled at her for something and she told him that she was going to take her hand and spank his but with it.  Nice, right!  (Let me assure you that we don't hit our children, she knows what spanking is though)  So we are starting into uncharted territory and I have no idea how to handle it!  It's going to be interesting.  Especially since the talking back wont end until she's about 25, so only 20 more years of it...  yuck...

With the lack of sleep that I've been getting it's no wonder that my blogging has suffered.  I don't even have a decent topic to talk about.  It's not that life is boring it's just boring to everyone else but us!  Who really wants to hear me talk more about grocery shopping or dirty diapers (which I change about 20 every stinking day).  Life is busy and chaotic but only for us.  I know that I get to go back to work soon and that will I'm sure provide many interesting topic to discuss.  Since I deal with the public all day every day it should provide for some good stories.

Well, at least I hope so!

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