Monday, February 21, 2011

School Cancelled...

So Jason went back to work today.  I woke up for the first time alone with my 3 children.  I was a little nervous about this but in reality it was ok this morning.  Basically the same as every other day, only this time Alex was here. 

Last night I sat and watched the news hoping that school was cancelled.  Today was Abby's last day of Preschool Playgroup and it started at 9:15.  Well, I had my alarm set for 6:30 to get up and start getting ready to leave and get Abby to school by 9:15.  I figured with the snow and having 3 kids it wasn't going to take me a few extra minutes to get out the door by myself with them.  So I finally go to bed a little after 10 and as of going to bed school was still on.  10 minutes later Jason comes up stairs and tells me that school is cancelled.  While I realize that Abby is going to be very sad, they were going outside to play today you see, I was very happy.  I reached over and turned off my alarm.  Best news I'd heard in a long time!  So I go to bed a happy woman.

It wouldn't be so bad but here's the routine for taking Abby to school.  I get everyone dressed in winter gear, load them into the van, drive a half a mile to school, park, unload all children, walk Abby to her classroom, take off all Abby's winter gear, sign her in, turn around and walk back to the van, load remaining children up, drive a half a mile back home, unload remaining children, take of remaining childrens winter gear.  This is done at 9:15, well playgroup only lasts until 10:45 so by 10:30 less than an hour after I got home I start the process all over again only in reverse.  Dropping Abby off at school is a hassle.  No way around it.  The teachers don't help out in the way of collecting kids at the door or walking them out when class is over.  Nope they stay inside where it's nice an warm and make the parents haul their entire family all around the country.  Now don't take this as being ungrateful to our teachers.  The playgroup is free and a wonderful thing for Abby to take part in.  I just wish the dropping off and picking up were easier!

Well, school is over until this fall so I guess I don't have to worry about it for a while.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Well, Vacation is OVER!

So today is the last day that Jason is home.  He goes back to work tomorrow.  Meaning I will be home all by myself with the girls tomorrow.  Of course, Abby has school from 9:15 - 10:45 and Alex has a doctor appointment at 1:00. So I get to haul all three of them around half of the day tomorrow.  Oh, well.  I guess it will be fine. 

Currently Jason is holding Alex so I can have some 'free' time.  I figured I would do some social networking and get caught up on the outside world. 

Last night Alex slept from 9:00pm - 2:30am (5 1/2 hours) and then from 3:00am to 7:30am (4 1/2 hours).  Yes, she is 11 days old and we only got up once to feed during the night.  I have been blessed with good sleepers with Abby and Kate.  I'm hoping that I get to be that lucky with Alex. 

I don't have too much else to say and Alex is fussing, which means that she is hungry when Jason is holding her!  He just shushes her and waits for me to finish what I'm doing and take her back.  He'll be alone with her soon enough!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Still a banana!

Well,  we had our one week check up and Alex is doing great.  Aside from being the color of a ripe banana she is fine.  Growing well and eating well and sleeping well.  I'm a very very very very very very very very lucky momma.  My children have all slept really well from the time they are born.  Sometime I wonder if it's the universes way of being nice to me after the horrible pregnancy.  I go through 9 months of hell to have a beautiful, healthy, well behaved newborn. 

Here's a theory, pray for a difficult pregnancy because then you will have easy children.  Have an easy pregnancy and you will have difficult children?  I like it.  It makes me feel better for all the women who have great and easy pregnancies.  I hate all those women by the way.  They are the bane of my existence when the worse thing the experience is trouble getting comfortable.  Well, guess what, you have a BABY in your uterus and so you are supposed to be uncomfortable.  It isn't easy being pregnant and so you should have a little discomfort.  Ok, well maybe not for everyone but really you are creating life.  Why is it easy for some women and so hard for others? 

I'm very thankful and feel extremely blessed that I can even have children.  There are plenty of women out there that cannot have children and I thank my lucky stars every day that I'm not one of them.

I've realized that getting my tubes tied will make it impossible for me to get pregnant and that makes me a little sad because man oh man do I love having a newborn.  They are my favorite stage of life so far.  They are just so cuddly and warm and perfect.  So getting my tubes tied in a few months makes me very sad but I can't go through another pregnancy.  We don't want anymore children and this will make sure that it doesn't happen.  Sad but required and I have a few months to come to terms with that so I'll deal.  Don't worry.

I feel cheated though that I get to sit home on my ass, sicker than a dog for months while pregnant and then when the baby comes out I get a measly 6 weeks to recover and enjoy what it took so much to make before having to return to work.  While I look forward to getting back to regular life I also wish that I had more time to stay at home and enjoy my baby.  I've been out of work on modified bed rest since August 5th, 2010 and then when she is born on Feb. 9th, 2011 and I will be back to work around March 23rd, 2011.  It just seems so unfair!  I guess I will get over it, like everything else in life but it still sucks!

Well, Alex is sleeping and the girls are at daycare so I should probably go make some lunch and take a nap.

Talk to you soon!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Chunky Monkey turning into a Banana?

So we've been home for a few days now and everything is starting to relax a bit.  The girls are getting used to Alex and Alex is getting used to everything.  Thank goodness Jason is home from work until at least Wednesday and maybe through next week.  It will depend on how I'm doing and if I want him home or not.  I love the fact that he will take a few extra days off from work if I want him home with us.  I love this man!  He has to put up with everything that I put him through and now on top of it all he is surrounded by 3 little girls. 

When we left the hospital on Friday Alex was a little bit jaundice.  Well Saturday was ok, Sunday morning however she was so yellow the whites of her eyes were the color of urine.  So we took her into Urgent Care and they checked her bilirubin levels and she was ok so far.  The doc told me to have it checked again on Monday to make sure that the levels weren't going up and she would need light treatment.  So I took her back in today and we are waiting on the results of this blood test.  Dr. Rohr thinks she will be fine but we are waiting on the blood test to be sure.  I've been teasing her that she is trying to go from our Chunky Monkey to our Banana.  Oh well.  We'll see what happens today but hopefully she will be fine.

Sleeping has gotten better.  I can at least put her into her crib and she will sleep there!  I actually got a few hours of sleep last night.  Still tired today but so far so good.  I just have to try to go to bed earlier and sleep when she sleeps. 

We took her on her first outing yesterday to the Farm.  My mom made us dinner and so we went and visited and was again reminded how awesome my mom is.  She got the girls Valentine's Day presents, which they loved, and made us dinner and everything!  On Saturday she took Abby for a few hours and brought us Tator Tot Hotdish for dinner too.  So since I've been home I  haven't had to worry about dinner yet!  Again she is amazing!

Well, having 3 children is amazing.  Abby and Kate want to help out and they are totally obsessed with breastfeeding.  They think that it is super funny that Alex eats from my boob.  Well, if they didn't have to tell everyone about it it wouldn't be so bad but I'm pretty sure that Grandpa doesn't want to hear about me and my boobs.  Slightly uncomfortable. 

Well, Alex is sleeping right now so I should be trying to take a nap but here I am putzing on the Internet.  I guess social networking has ruined yet another opportunity for sleep.

Until another day...

Friday, February 11, 2011


Baby's Name: Alexandra Marie
Date of Birth: February 9, 2011
Original Due Date: February 19, 2011
Weeks Pregnant: 38 weeks 4 days
Weight: 8 lbs 2 oz
Length: 22.5 inches

Birth Story:

On Tuesday the 8th at my 38w3d OB appt my doc stripped my membranes.  It was uncomfortable and she told me that she really got in there and worked it up.  So I went home and made a grocery list and relaxed for awhile.  I noticed that my vagina felt very sore, like it was bruised.  I figured that it was from getting stripped and hoped that it would ease up in a day or two.  While walking around Wal-mart getting my groceries it was so painful to just walk.  I was having a ton more pressure and I was finally 'waddling'.  After I got home and made dinner I just laid on the couch and relaxed to try to help the pain. 

Throughout the evening my BH's were more painful but again I thought my cervix was bruised from the exam.  Went to bed and at 1:00 woke up and went to the bathroom.  Had 3 contractions between 1:00 and 2:00.  At 2:00am the contractions decided to come every 4 minutes.  I'd been having BH for weeks and they were annoying to I decided to ignore them.  Well, by 2:40 they were still there so I thought, 'Fine I'll time you for an hour and see what happens.'

At 3:30 I was sitting in my rocker and turned the fan off and accidentally woke my DH up.  He asked how far apart they were and told him they were now 3 min 30 sec apart.  He decided that we were going in and told me to call my mom. So we got dressed and went downstairs.  Called my mom at 4:00am and her and her boyfriend were at my house and we were at the hospital by 4:30am. 

The nurse checked me at 5:00am and I was at 4cm but still pretty far back.  They decided to watch me for an hour and see what happens.  Contractions were still pretty manageable at this point.  Well at 6:00am I asked to be checked again because my contractions were much more painful and I wanted to know where I was.  Well I was only at 5cm but was all the way to the front and 100% effaced.  The nurses decided that I would be delivering soon and I decided to get the epidural.  I was trying to go natural but the contractions were just so flipping bad!

Well they have to give you a full bag of fluid and we had to wait for the anesthesiologist (sp?) to get there.  I made it through my bag of fluid and Brad (my new most favorite person in the world) got there.  He asked me if I wanted the epidural or an intrathecal (sp?).  He told me that the intrathecal would be instant relief and epidural could take up to 20 minutes.

I decided on the intrathecal.  He numbed the spot between one contraction, waited until the next was passed, gave the intrathecal and I never felt the next one!  Heaven in a needle!  Best decision of my life!  You have to lay on your back for the full effect and I started to itch.  I thought I was having a reaction but apparently it's totally normal because of the phentonal (sp?) in it. 

So now I'm out of pain but itchy.  Totally worth it!!! This was at 7:00am.  I had 2 nurses, one charge and a training nurse.  They decided to check me again and so the charge nurse checked me and then had the training nurse check me (for educational purposes)  I was complete and my bag of water was bulging!  YAY!!!
My Ob was there with another doc who was also in training and my doc asked me if the new doc could deliver my baby.  Sure, why not! 

So they set up and she broke my water, yuck, very gross!  Then everyone literally stood around me waiting for me to feel a contraction and push.  It was surreal, we were all joking around and having fun.  My first two deliveries were very quick and there wasn't any fun!  Because of the intrathecal I was in heaven. 
Nobody was paying any attention to me and I felt pressure so I pushed.  

Well, on the 4th push there was a ring of fire and I pushed her head out.  The cord was wrapped around her neck and they couldn't get it undone until she was all the way out so I pushed her out with the rest of that push and she was here!  4 pushed total and she was laying on my chest.  I felt everything without any of the pain.

My 3rd little girl was here at 7:52am, less than 6 hours after the first contraction, weighing in at 8 lbs 2 oz and was 22 1/2" long. 

It was a blast this time and if you are debating the drugs I suggest you get it and enjoy the birth of your baby!  It was a ton of fun for me anyway!

This is my current fav photo but for some reason it's upside down online.  Sorry for that!


Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Great Doctor Appointment Today!

So after my complaining post yesterday I decided that I would post something a little more up beat today.

I had my 38 week appointment today and while I know that I lost my mucus plug last Thursday I knew that didn't mean that anything had changed since last week.  Last week I was 1 cm dilated and still pretty thick.  Well this week....

Drum roll please...........................................................

3 CM and not as thick!!! 

3 cm!  That means that I only have 7 left to go.  It usually took me the longest to get to 3-4 and then I get to 6 or so and stall for a little bit and then BAM I'm at 10 and the baby is here.  This is great news!  Active labor starts at 4 usually.  I've been using Evening Primrose for a few weeks now and I'd say that it is certainly helping me dilate my cervix! 

I also asked Dr. Rohr if she would strip my membranes.  What that means, for those of you less educated is the doctor sweeps her fingers around the inside of my cervix to separate the bag of waters and cervix.  It can help to jump start labor by causing the beginning of a breakdown in the integrity of the bag of water. 

With Kate and Abby I had this done.  With Abby it didn't do too much but with Kate I went into labor on my own a few days later.  I'm hoping that since I'm already to 3 cm that she was really able to get in there and strip them out. 

I know that unless you've been pregnant before you don't really understand how exciting it is to be dilated to a 3 when labor hasn't even started yet.  At the end of pregnancy you are so ready to be done and meet your little one that any news of progression is great news. 

I could have jumped up and down on the exam table is she wasn't still examining me!  3 cm is almost a third of the way done!  Now I called Jason to tell him the great news and he wasn't very excited.  I don't think he understands the importance of this life changing news!  It seriously changes the way we will act once my water does break.

Normal routine:  water breaks, I waddle around with a towel between my legs making phone calls to the important people, then we wait until someone comes to watch our children and we go to the hospital.  This is done with excitement and a little bit of hurried activity since first labor was 4 hours long.  So we figured that we should probably book it to the hospital pretty quickly in case it went even faster. 

This time:  Water Breaks, I waddle around with towel between my legs making phone calls to important people.  Mom rushes to our house with Chuck and her driver and we will be leaving for the hospital while Chuck waits for someone to watch our children.  We will not be sticking around waiting for people this time.  If I'm already to a 3 and my labors only took a few hours when I start at a 1 then this one will hopefully go even faster! 

Yes, people I'm hoping for a VERY fast labor and delivery.  I have yet to push my children out into the world because when they decide to be born then literally shoot out into the world.  No pushing, very little warning, just BAM, here I am!

Here's the deal, labor hurts, it is one of the most painful things a woman will ever go through in her life.  Bringing a human being into this world should be something that makes you stop and notice things.  It shouldn't be easy, it should make you realize how big of a miracle it really is.  Well, that my friend is in the form of pain.  Pushing out a football sized infant from your vagina is going to hurt a little bit.  Guys, imagine pushing out a lime from your penis.  Not a fun picture. 

Why not get the epidural?  Well, I'm not opposed to them at all.  I've tried to get then with both previous deliveries but my babies decide that I shouldn't get to feel the numbing effects until they are already born.  Apparently something happens while I'm getting the epidural that causes the babies to decide to come right then.  Not in 10 minutes when the drugs are working, nope.  Right then.  So I figure, why should I waste everyones time and money to get an epidural when the baby will be here soon anyway.  I've come to realize that when I ask for the epidural it means that the baby will be there soon anyway.  So if I can hold off for a little bit longer I wont need to go through the pain of holding still while the give me the epidural. 

Yeah, when they tell you that you need to hold perfectly still while you are going through the most painful contractions of your life you really want to hurt them.  It's not possible but they want you to do it anyway.  Why they can't pause until the contraction is over I don't know.

So apparently I've decided that I enjoy blogging because every time I think I'm going to post something short and give you all an update it turns into a short story.  I guess I'm just excited today and I want you all to hear about it.  I'll stop typing very soon here and give you all a break until tomorrow when something else happens that I decide you just have to hear about!

Have a good day! 

Labor wishes for me please!!!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Still Pregnant...

So I'm sure you all are getting fed up with my constant pregnancy posts but I don't care.  When you are this uncomfortable and sick feeling you will be obsessed with going into labor too.  Since this is the 3rd time I know that it is going to be extremely painful but worth it in the end.  Over the last 9+ months I have literally created life.  I'm anxious to meet this little one.  I want to see her and look into her eyes.  I want to hold her hand and nurse her and change her and just plain touch her. 

OK, while that is really the most important thing, meeting this little one, really I just want my body back.  I'm so sick for the entire 9 months that I want to be all by myself in my body.  I want to shower alone, I want to poop alone.  I am ready to have a swollen who ha, sore nipples, lack of sleep and all of that. 

In the last few days I have lost my mucus plug, had consistent contractions for 2 days now.  Like every 10 minutes or so since Saturday.  Then on Sunday I made homemade chicken and cheese enchiladas (one of my favorites) to eat while watching the big Superbowl game.  I start to eat and started to get sick.  I sat on the couch and was so sick to my stomach that I was literally curled into a ball and trying to breathe through it.  So finally about 2 hours later I was finally able to go to the bathroom and felt a little better after that.  I was sick throughout the night with cramps and pain in my back, all the while having contractions.  I'm thinking that this is it.  I was just waiting for my water to break.  Well I went to bed and fell asleep right away.  I NEVER fall asleep right away. 

I woke up this morning still pregnant.  Not in labor yet.  So I get up and get Abby ready for school, drop her off and go to breakfast with my Mom.  Well, that makes me sick too.  I come home after picking up Abby and lay on the couch.  I literally cannot keep my eyes open and take a nap while she watches cartoons.  My mom, the saint that she is took Kate for the morning to hang out with her.  So I napped for about and hour and a half before Mom brings Kate back.  She then proceeded the change her diaper, make the girls lunch and put Kate down for her nap.  All while I lay on the couch trying to stay warm.  They say that you can get flu like symptoms before you go into labor. 

Well, hopefully my body realizes that it has given me pretty much every single symptom of going in to labor without actually going into labor.  Literally I've had every single old wives tale and yet, here I sit still pregnant.  I am officially miserable and am ready to get this baby out.  I mean like OUT NOW!  I'm almost willing to do anything to get her out. 

There is one thing that I don't think that I can do but might work.  Castor Oil.  It is a laxative that causes you to have contractions because of the explosive pooping.  Well, it's an oil and the taste is awful.  I don't do well with things that taste so bad.  I don't think that I can drink it.  It's the only thing that I can't seem to do. 

I think that I am going to concentrate on staying hydrated so that when I do go into labor it will go a little bit easier.  I know that I'm complaining and someday I may wish to be pregnant again.  But then my wonderful husband will smack me around a bit and make sure that I remember that it sucks for me!  I'm hoping that I can end this part of my life soon.  I really want to meet this little girl.  I really want to have my body back and tomorrow at my ob appointment I will be asking about how we can make that happen. 

Can we induce?  Please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please?????????

Anything to end this misery!!!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

38 weeks today...

That's it...

38 weeks today.

Kaitlyn came at 38 weeks 2 days and Abby came at 39 weeks exactly.

Keep hoping for labor to start!!!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Early labor and the Superbowl????

Next progress report for this never ending pregnancy...

Yesterday I officially lost my mucus plug.  Let me warn you, if you have a weak stomach you don't want to hear about a mucus plug.  it is the single most discusting thing that will ever exit your vagina.  It is exactly what it sounds like.  Made of mucus that plugs your cervix.  It's gross.

The exciting part is that when you lose it it means that labor is coming soon.  It can range from a few hours to weeks before labor starts but the important thing is that labor IS coming.  Your body goes through a few different stages when leading up to going into labor.

1. braxton hicks contractions - these can start as early as 15-20 weeks and you literally just get to put up with them as they are nothing more than practice contractions.

2. baby dropping - baby goes from floating peacefully in your uterus to being engaged in your pelvis.  The baby eventually has to exit through your pelvis so in preparation it sort of gets their head stuck in your pelvis.  This is good and bad.  The good thing is your heartburn gets better and you can breathe easier.  The bad thing is you are now peeing every 15 minutes again.  There isn't any room for urine in your bladder anymore.

3. loss of your mucus plug - this is the single most discusting thing that will exit your vagina, and I should know I've given birth twice now.  You get to wipe after going to the bathroom for the 30th time that day and here it is on your toilet paper.  Ummmm, gross.

4. dilation - some women will start to dilate days or even weeks before they go into labor.  It is more common for women who are on at least pregnancy #2 + to start to dilate before labor. 

These are some of the signs of early labor.  You can have 1 or 2 of these signs or none at all.  There is no rhyme or reason to labor and what gets it started.  I so far have exhibited all of these and yet true labor has yet to set in.  I lost the mucus plug yesterday and my water still hasn't broken, true contractions have yet to start.

While technically it is easier to take care of the baby before birth it is tiring.  No one can help with her.  I don't get to set her down for a minute.  I can't take a shower by myself.  You are on baby duty 100% of the time.  Once she is born I will be able to set her down or give her to Jason to hold while I do the dishes.  I will be able to shave my legs, see my own vagina, and put shoes on without having to hold my breath.  There is an approx. 7 lb baby sitting on my bladder and I am doing nothing but praying that she decides to make her exit sooner rather than later. 

So my plan for the day is to get caught up on my dishes (they have been piling up), clean and vacuum my living room.  Maybe sort the clean laundry (that might be a stretch but we'll see).  My goal is to get some contractions started and see if it jump starts anything. 

So wish me luck in the labor starting process.  Hopefully I wont be able to blog for a few days because I will be in the hospital. 

Speaking of being in the hospital... Sunday is the Superbowl and the Packers are playing in it.  My wonderful, amazing husband says that he will be watching the game and it doesn't matter if I'm in labor or not.  I told him that there will not be a football game on while I'm in labor and if he wants to watch he will be doing so in the waiting room.  If he decides that this football game is more important than the birth of our last child he will be sleeping on the couch for months.  It will be unforgivable.  We have DVR for a reason.  He will be able to watch it when he gets home.  I really want to not be in labor while the game is on so that I don't have to have that memory burned into my brain.  He doesn't seem to realize that I have gone through 9+ months of HELL to bring this child into the world and at the last stage of the process (the most painful part, mind you) I need him to be focused on me and anything that I may need.  With the last two he pretty much just watched me be in pain, well this one I have given him coaching tasks and if he drops the ball saying that I will be PISSED is an understatement. 

I really to have this baby last night because I would be coming home Sunday morning and so the problem would be solved.  Well, that didn't happen.  If I go into labor anytime between now and then he will be at the hospital with me.  If I'm not in labor I don't care if the game is on.  Let me be clear on that.  But if I'm in pain it will not be on in my room.  End of story.

So wish me good luck that I either go into labor before or after the stupid Superbowl.  Anything besides that time will be ok with me. 

Praying all day long for that not to happen!