Saturday, October 23, 2010

Mud Party???

Ok, So I'm getting my children ready to head to Uncle Squirts house for his birthday party.  He is having a mud party.  Meaning that we are going to watch a bunch of semi drunk guys driving their beat up trucks into a big puddle.  Is this the adult version of puddle jumping that we loved so much as a child?  I guess I will find out.  I don't understand this mudding thing.  Every time they go they break their truck and this is considered fun?  I'd rather put on my rain boots (I would get to buy some, cheaper than truck parts though) and rain coat and go actually jump in the puddles.  I don't understand the macho need to see who can drive their truck the furthest through the the biggest mud puddle.  I guess I will have my eyes opened up to the wonder that is mudding... 

wish me luck...

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