Thursday, October 28, 2010

Grocery Shopping on a Budget

OK, so today I'm in Walmart grocery shopping.  Which in case you haven't heard the process of which makes me sick to the point where if I don't get out of there within a reasonable amount of time I actually will get sick.  So I decide that since I'm trying to do this on a budget and I don't want to go over my budget I scoured the sale ads for the other local competitors and decided to compare walmarts prices.  So I have my handy notebook, highlighter, pen and calculator and am diligently walking down every aisle writing down all the items on my list and comparing Walmart's normal price with the sale prices from Dick's and Marketplace.  Well big surprise but every time I compared Walmart won, or at the very least was only $.01 or $.02 higher than the sale price.

Needless to say I got my shopping done and bought everything except some instant coffee and apple cider from Walmart.  I went to Dicks to get apple cider (126 oz for $1.88, is pretty hard to beat!) and found some decaf instant french vanilla coffee that walmart didn't have.  I HATE Walmart but in the interest of staying within my budget I had to shop there.  I also got cat food, diapers, shampoo and a coat for Abby while there.  Dick's and Marketplace can't compare when you do that kind of shopping. 

On another note when I do have to shop with my kids there is NO WAY I'm going to go to 10 different stores to get my eggs here, milk here, bread there.  Do you know how big of a pain in the butt it is to have to buckle and unbuckle the car seats at every stop?  If you don't have kids, don't scoff at me.  I'm not lazy, it's just a battle that if I can avoid then I'm going to avoid it at all costs.  My kids aren't old enough to buckle themselves in so I'm going to limit that wrestling match to the least amount of cases.

Well, the groceries are put away, I want to eat the entire package of lemon sandwich cookies that I bought before my family gets home so that I don't have to share but I will control the urge and only eat half of the package...  OK maybe 3/4. 

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