Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Directions, optional?

So I've decided that since I can't ever find what I want for what I want to pay for it I'm going to just start making things.  I need a new diaper bag for when this baby comes since the one we are using is WAY to small.  So I found a pattern of a bag that I liked and some material that I liked.  So today I sewed it together...  Well it's a about the same size as the one we are already using...

Well the picture is a little fuzzy but you can get the idea.  So I'm going to alter the pattern to make it the right size and with the right pockets and such. 

Directions for me are something that I always have a problem with.  I never seem to follow them in the right order or think that I understand them without actually reading all of them.  So I always seem to have to make a sample project then I can figure it out and make the one I really want to make.  Since this one is too small for what I want I'm going to have to completely rip apart the pattern to make it the right size and will fit my purpose!  I also want to add a flap to the top instead of a zipper so I guess I might actually have to make another sample. 

Etsy.com is a market place that people create 'stores' that they sell their handmade items.  I'm going crazy making things around here and have thought about setting up a store.  It seems pretty straight forward.  They charge $.20 for each 4 month listing and then 3.5% of the purchase price when you sell something.  Whoever thought about creating websites for people to sell things is insane.  They have got to be uber rich by now, I guess it is a million dollar idea that someone (who isn't me) thought of!  Where is my million dollar idea?  I want an idea that costs nothing for start up but makes me millions of dollars.  I'm not afraid of working for my money or anything I just want to find something that will MAKE me money!  Is that too much to ask? 

It sucks when you realize that you have X amount of money to go grocery shopping and trying to make sure that you can get all of your groceries and stay in your budget.  I only go to the store every other week, used to be once a month but I don't have that energy anymore!  So that helps to keep the costs down, I'm going to clip coupons and buy things that are on sale too.  I found that things like that will help to reduce your monthly grocery bill a ton if you do it right!  I might have to stop at 3 different stores but doing so will save me $20-$30 per month.  That's $20-$30 worth of craft supplies that I can buy! 

Speaking of craft supplies.  I don't know if I've ever told you but I LOVE ebay.com.  I found a lot of 126 5" squares of high quality quilting fabric for $20 today.  It should be the perfect amount to make a blanket for the new baby.  I'm super excited to get started on it and I'm hoping it comes in the mail quickly!  I've told myself that I can't start that blanket until I finish the one that I'm crocheting for Jeremy and Melissa's little Jacob.  I'm hoping we can go see him soon to give him his blanket and hat. 

Here's my theory on crafts.  As long as I make something that is useful (that we actually need) or that I can give as a gift then it's not a waste of money.  It accomplishes 2 things, creates something that doesn't go to waste and keeps my mind busy so that I don't go crazy.  What else could I ask for?  However I have my 2 nephews for Christmas and they aren't going to appreciate the crocheted hat and mittens that I'm thinking about making them...  oh well. Beggars can't be choosers!

Well I think that is enough for the day.  I've touched on enough subjects for the day...


  1. LOL! I love you. Have you thought of looking at etsy??? Maybe someone can make you something for less??????

    PS Why don't you ask for one for Christmas?

    Good luck!

  2. Etsy is incredibily expensive for things like this... I checked. I can't find anything that I like in the store that is cheap enough. So I'll make my own. That's what I do when I have 'free' time!
