Friday, October 22, 2010

First Post... hope you enjoy...

Ok, so here's my attempt at blogging.  Here's my story:  Married since 2005 to Jason.  Girls: Abigail (Abby) 4 years old, Kaitlyn (Kate) 2 years old.  Both a joy to have but can be trying at times as you will see.  I'm pregnant with Baby Girl #3 which is due February 21, 2010.  So with this pregnancy, like my other two I suffer from Hyperemesis, which is a nasty version of morning sickness in the extreme.  Don't say you understand if you just had morning sickness because it's nothing like morning sickness.  It's unrelenting and nasty.  Anyway off that soapbox for the day... LOL. 

So I'm home on disability from work and have a ton of free time.  I spend my days sitting at home doing a whole lot of nothing.  I've started crocheting things.  It keeps my hands busy and lets me create things so I don't go crazy.  I've so far made 2.5 blankets (working on the third one for a friends new baby right now) 4 hats and am thinking that I'm going to have to start on a new project soon.  I'm into making things for the tiny humans as they are just so cute.  I'm thinking also that if I have enough free time to make a ton of things I will have to look into creating an store account to sell some of these things on.  Hmmm.... do I have that much free time on my hands?  I do have 2 tiny humans at home to keep from hurting each other...  So if you'd like anything made for a tiny human let me know! 

I've also started going to a book club that is once a month.  I figure that I deserve one night a month to go out with other women, some of which have children and some without, to enjoy the evening without my children or hubby.  I think that every woman deserves an evening to be surrounded by other women...  why we would want that I'm not always sure but I need to have an adult discussion without men in the room sometimes!

So I don't know how often I will actually blog about life but it might be a good way to get rid of some of the steam that life creates.  So hopefully you will enjoy listening to me ramble about why life can cause you such joy and why life can cause you such grief, all in the same day!

Let the estrogen free!

1 comment:

  1. Looks good! Good luck with your blog! <3 I'm also starting one this semester (practicum/Independent Study). It's a lot of work, but it can be worth it! <3
