Friday, April 8, 2011

Leave of Absence...

First off let me apologize for my lack of attention recently.  Things were a bit hectic and are just starting to get back into a routine.  I started back to work this week.  I've been moved to the Lead Generator position within my store.  Let me just tell you that I have spent $10,000's on my design education and I am a KICK ASS kitchen and bath designer for Home Depot.  So because I was on LOA for so long they had to fill my position and so there wasn't a designer opening for me.  So they decide to put me into the Lead Generator position.  While I'm glad that I have a job and all this particular job sucks!!!  I want absolutely nothing to do with it.  Basically it means that I will wander the store asking every customer that I talk to if we can install anything for them.  Can we build you a shed to put your new lawn mower into?  Does that sound fun?  Not even a little bit. 

My supervisor was trying to 'sell' me on this new job.  Telling me that it is really quite rewarding and that I will truly start to enjoy it once I know more about it.  I then asked him if there was any aspect of design to it, even a little bit?  And he says no.  So I tell him that it wont be fulfilling to me.  I will do it and do it to the best of my abilities because that is how I roll but I wont enjoy it.  I will be counting the minutes until I can get out of this job.  I feel bad for those that don't have jobs and that should mean that I'm just grateful but it still sucks.  I don't want to hate what I do just to pay my bills.  I'm praying that another opportunity will show up soon!

I've just been a bit down since having to go to work at all so I'm just on the pitty pot right now.  So basically you should ignore me until I get over my slump.

I guess everyone has a down time.  I'm going through one right now.  I will be better in a few days.  These things never last long but they sure do suck while they are here.

Do you ever notice that it's an ever expanding list of things that upset you though and then you realize that when you are upset about something you realize that you are upset about being upset.  That is what makes me the most mad actually.  I hate being a downer and so I hate being that way.  I should go to the gym to try to increase my endorphins.  That might work?

Today is my day off from work and I need to go grocery shopping.  We are out of bread, milk, and almost everything else.  We will be spending a ton of money on groceries.  Don't you wish groceries weren't such a waste of money?  You work hard to earn money to buy the groceries that feed your family and then a few hours later they get pooped out.  I think that with a family of 5 my grocery bill is just going to go up and up until they all move out.  I've got to get better at only going once a month.  That is a huge savings!  Then during the month I only go a few times to replenish milk and bread.  Keeps the bill down quite a bit!

Anyway I should stop complaining.  Life sucks at times but it always gets better!  No matter what the sun will shine again!  So on that note...

Go find some sunshine!!!

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