Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Just wrote a new post and deleted it.

Your not getting me to type it again...

Pregnancy hormones decree that you'll just have to live with the cliff notes:

*Wrapping presents on the floor means I will be stuck there until after Christmas or when this baby decides to be born.

*Snow Storm means some people still aren't plowed out (5 days later) and I'm sick of hearing them complain about it.  Go grab a shovel you lazy ass people.

*T-minus 66 days until due date.  Still no name.  This child will name herself in 3 years and it will be Princess Purple Pink.  maybe I should just name her that now...  nope. not going to do it!

*I hate all the girl names out there.  I only planned to have 2 girls and I used the 2 names that I liked so this one needs to be a boy.  I have tons of names that I like for a boy.  Sorry sweetheart, you are getting a boy name...

*I think I'm going to make a paper circle chain for the last 66 days... Abby will love to rip one off each day.  Maybe I should make Jason put a name on each of the paper rings for me to hate everyday...  now there's an idea. 

*I need to make Truffles and I don't want to...

*Good bye, hope you enjoyed the cliff notes...


  1. Please ignore the typos and misspellings. Apprently didn't proof read before hitting post...

  2. We did the paper chain countdown, can't believe it's at 50 days now! There are too many names for girls out there. Naming our boy was a lot easier than I remember naming our daughter being. I wrapped all the presents standing over our bed so they're all loosely wrapped, to heck with it! I wasn't getting on the floor for the exact reason you mention!!

  3. I think I'll be wrapping on the dining room table, even though I'm sure that my back will hurt from bending over it for a few hours!!! I should spred it out but that would be too smart... LOL!!!
