Sunday, December 19, 2010


Ok, here's my soap box for the day...  Thanks Candice for getting me started and then thanks to Babycenters February 2011 group...

In regards to breastfeeding hurting for a few weeks in the beginning...

It will hurt for a couple weeks until your nipples become accustom to nursing but it shouldn't be the 'make you cry' type of pain. 
It isn't usually easy for most BF moms at first.  I think that it is something that needs to be practiced and after a few weeks it will get better. 

Think of it this way...  you are pregnant for 40 weeks, in the beginning most of us are puking our guts out for weeks, if not months.  Then the second tri hits and we level out and start to show and are all a glow, ok maybe your constipated or uncomfortable.  Then the third tri hits and we are nothing but complaining about sore backs, hoo ha's, feeling fat, bloated, hungry, crabby.  All in all most of us complain for the last 12 weeks like it's never going to end.

Then we go into labor and if we are lucky it only lasts a few hours, there's a very short amount of pushing and the baby is there without any tearing or major medical intervention. 

What about this entire process says that breastfeeding should all of a sudden be easy???  Nothing else has come easy so why should this?  I feel like every one should be trying their hardest to give their baby the breast milk that is superior to formula.  Do we realize that as little as 100 years ago if you didn't figure it out your baby died?  You had to find a wet nurse to feed your baby if you couldn't figure it out.  Formula is a fairly new thing and we should be trying our hardest to give our babies the very best!!!  Obviously you can tell I'm all for the boob but for real, give it your all!  You didn't give up on being pregnant when you could only eat saltines and ginger ale for 6 weeks.  Why should this be any different?

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Just wrote a new post and deleted it.

Your not getting me to type it again...

Pregnancy hormones decree that you'll just have to live with the cliff notes:

*Wrapping presents on the floor means I will be stuck there until after Christmas or when this baby decides to be born.

*Snow Storm means some people still aren't plowed out (5 days later) and I'm sick of hearing them complain about it.  Go grab a shovel you lazy ass people.

*T-minus 66 days until due date.  Still no name.  This child will name herself in 3 years and it will be Princess Purple Pink.  maybe I should just name her that now...  nope. not going to do it!

*I hate all the girl names out there.  I only planned to have 2 girls and I used the 2 names that I liked so this one needs to be a boy.  I have tons of names that I like for a boy.  Sorry sweetheart, you are getting a boy name...

*I think I'm going to make a paper circle chain for the last 66 days... Abby will love to rip one off each day.  Maybe I should make Jason put a name on each of the paper rings for me to hate everyday...  now there's an idea. 

*I need to make Truffles and I don't want to...

*Good bye, hope you enjoyed the cliff notes...

Monday, December 6, 2010

Random Stuff...

Had a busy busy weekend that was really good.  Got to see my brother and spend tie with his son, Jordan.  Great times had by all. 

I think I'm going to try to finish Christmas Shopping this week.  Not sure if that will actually get done or not but that is my goal.  I also need to go grocery shopping and get working on making a few hats for Christmas presents.  I'm hoping that the hats wont take very long to crochet but I haven't had the energy to start working on them either. 

I'm loving the Christmas music and shows on right now.  I figure that Christmas is a short time of the year and as of the 26th then you don't have to deal with any of it any more.  Soak it up while you can!!!

Abby got her music program for church yesterday.  They are signing 4 different songs in church for the Christmas program in a couple of weeks and I get to teach her the songs.  Too bad I can't carry a tune in a bucket!!!  Oh, well.  Abby should have fun.  I guess that this is what being a parent is all about.  You get to teach them about everything that school tells you to teach them about. 

Anybody have any cures for pregnancy back pain?  I'm dying over here!  I have low back pain which is normal, but it shoots down my right leg into my thigh.  A whole boat load of fun there!  Then I've got a pain below my shoulder blade that makes sitting EXTREMELY painful!  I'm wondering if a heat pad will help that.  At least its warm in our freezing house!  Trying to save money on the heat bills means bundling up at home!

The girls and I are having a PJ day today and staying in our PJ's all day.  I figure they are warm and comfy and I don't feel like getting dressed today.  I've got running around to do tomorrow so everyone will have to go outside in the cold so we will bundle up for that!

Kate has the strangest hair, we've yet to get it cut (2 1/2 yrs old now) and it is still only about 2-3 inches long every where except a strip around the middle of her head that has grown long.  I'm going to get it cut soon but there isn't enough to cut it into something very cute.  At least I can't picture it.  So I did a Bing search for pictures and nothing came up for little girls that don't have much hair.  There's all these pictures of little girls with tons of hair getting super cute hair cuts.  Well, Kate doesn't have much hair but I'm going to get it trimmed up so that it doesn't look like she can do a comb over anymore.  Yep a comb over, like old man comb over.  She has the hair to do that, not put into ponytails or pigtails but certainly a comb over can be accomplished.  Oh, well.  I'll post pictures once I get her hair cut so you can all see what we come up with!

I hope that everyone has a great Holiday Season and enjoys all the family time!

Oh and by the way there is 75 days until my baby's due date!!!  Yep, for some reason 75 days doesn't seem like very many.  To me it's 2.5 months away and with Christmas and turning 30 between now and then there isn't much time left!  Since this is also my last pregnancy I can't wait to get to the end but it's kind of bittersweet too. 

Oh, well.  Here's to a fast 75 days!!!